I've never been one to have dreams. Actually, maybe I just don't remember them? I mean I can't even remember what I ate for dinner... Dinner was an hour ago. Recently I've been experiencing some pretty border line crazy dreams at night, or dreams that do not make sense in any way, shape or form. One night I dreamt that I was kidnapped, thrown into a van and injected with heroin... Completely normal dream right guys? Another night I dreamt that me and Justin Bieber were best friends (I can feel the judgement all the way from here).
I have come up with a list of reasons to explain my crazy dreams:
1. I secretly love heroin (I have the biggest fear of needles!)
2. My Mum has been buying the wrong type of mushrooms...
3. Being kidnapped and thrown into a van must be my new fantasy.
I want to know from all of you normal/crazy people, what is your weirdest dream?
Comment below!
I'd dreamed about someone that i dont know and never meet before. But i met him on twitter this year. He's my ex-crush friend...*weird for me but normal actually* xD
Dreamt I had walked into a hippopotamus' mouth, which ended up being a large labyrinth similar to the "Cave of Wonders". However, while exploring the innards of a living being, I came upon a penguin that had an OCD complex. Its main communication method was through a miniature doll permanently attached to its shoulder that would telepathically link with me. Almost like Invader Zim's "Grr" but much much smaller. In order to escape our current predicament, we formed a league, calling ourselves "Grapes". And that's where my dream ended.... I never did find out if we escaped.
The one where you're best friend with Justin Bieber must have been a nightmare lol
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I have a recurring dream that I'm wearing only my white undies and am being chased down a white road by a huge marshmallow and I cannot get away from it! It chases me and chases me until, finally, I get angry, turnaround and face it, wrestle it to the ground and devour it: eating every last morsel. Then I wake up and, sure enough, I'm in my white undies but my pillow is gone!
I had a dream where officer Jenny (from pokemon) pinched me. :( tough times
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